THE Meeting John O. Moseley In late 1951 or early 1952, we had our first visitation from
the director of the The purpose of the visit was to look us over to see if maybe
we ought to be invited to join the national and to acquaint us with At the time, it was the most inspirational talk I had ever heard. He talked about following The Goddess of Wisdom's path to enlightenment and the trail to become a true brotherhood. He spoke of friends and ideals and True Gentleman. As he talked, there was none of the usual clatter of flatware on dishes and before long one could have heard a pin drop between sentences. Soon, the door and hall filled with the kitchen crew and others who had not dined, straining to catch every syllable. When he was finished, almost in a whisper, there were many watery eyes among those hardened buddies. For a moment, we seemed not to know how to react to what had morphed into an obvious invitation to petition Sigma Alpha Epsilon. When we finally cheered, it was completely clear that we would accept the challenge. Over the next year and a half, we were fortunate to become very close to John Moseley with many letters, phone calls and meetings as he led us through a difficult process. He became our patron saint and began to refer to us as, "My Boys!" We formally petitioned NEXT SEE: THE PETITION |